Here is a complete list with pics of the monsters in Daggerfall. The pictures has
been taken from The Unofficial Elder Scrolls' Pages, thanks Dave.

Ancient Lich

Lp: 30-170
Ac: -12
Dmg: 70-100
Spell casting
Can be hit with mithril or better
The ancient lich is a mage who has prolonged his life through the use of
magic and in the end ended up as an undead. The ancient lich will attack
you with spells that´ll kill both you and it self therefore prepare by
having a spell reflection or a spell absorbtion ready.
Ancient Vampire

Lp: 30-170
Ac: -5
Dmg: 20-60
The ancient vampire will attack with a Shock and a Paralyze spell
2% Chance per hit of catching a disease
0.6% Chance per hit of becoming a vampire
Can be hit with mithril or better
The ancient vamp. is a formiddable opponent who will kill you with his extremely effective shock.
Unless you´re a High Elf or have Immunity to paralysis you´ll be paralysed and he will pound the living
guts out of you, higher level characters ( 16+ ) might want to try to get the better of him in melee and most
likely succeed .

Lp: 14-46
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15 or by Weapon
The Centaur is an easy opponent. Close in and get some good swings at him and he will die
before he even knew you was there.
Daedra Seducer

Lp: 27-146
Ac: 1
Dmg: 15-50
Spellcasting, This lady will cast vampiric touch and energy leech
Can be hit with mithril and better
This lady is not the toughest Daedra but she´ll kill ya if you´re not wary.
A Svend 8 in her head and then close in with a Daedric Katana for the final kill.
You might want to use a Spell reflection or a Spell absorption .
Daedra Lord

Lp: 35-210
Ac: -10
Dmg: 15-50
Loads of spells
Can be hit with mithril and better
The hardest of all opponents out there, the Daedra Lord will slay you in
a blink on an eye. The Lord is the kings over all other Daedra and they obey
only command from the Daedra Princes. The first thing the Lord will do is to shower
you with spells and you better be prepared to duck or you´re cat food. Close in
quickly while trying to avoid his spells and finish him up. Characters under level 18
might want a spell reflection/absorbtion or they´re toast .

Lp: 27-146
Ac: 1
Dmg: 15-50
This orc-like beast casts shield, silence and lightning
Can be hit with mithril and better
Although being the weakest of the beings called Daedra, the Daedroth can kill you
and will do so if you´re not prepared. Move in quickly for the kill or else he´ll
silence you, then cast his lightning and his shield and kill you.

Lp: 14-42
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
Oh yes, the dragonlings. The Dragonlings is the only monster to have descended
directly from the great dragons. The Dragonling will roast you but it´s an opponent
which is easily handled when you´re over 8 level. Try to close in and attack in melee and
then withdraw and attack again. But be careful, the bugger is fast

Lp: 13-34
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
The Dreugh is an underwater horror. The easiest way is to move in,
whack a few times and he´s dead, be sure though to check your air
supply. Many a good adventurers has died a cold underwater death.
Fire Atronach

Lp: 25-130
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
Fire based spells heal this guy ( don´t release the fireball )
Some claim that this and all other antronachs is protected by a aura
,this is bullshit. I´ve fought Antronachs for over 10 years now and I´ve never experienced
this so-called "Aura". Surge in with the longsword and cut a "z" in his stomach, he don´t care.
A fairly easy opponent. The only things to remember is: Use cold based spells and avoid fire based
spells and every thing is going to be alright.
Fire Daedra

Lp: 26-138
Ac: 1
Dmg: 15-50
This chap will use fire based spells
Can be hit with mithril and better
I´m on fire, I´m on fire, he, he. This Daedra is fairly tough. Move quickly into striking
range and go berserk. Else he´ll pump you with fireballs. Some may wish to use a spell reflection
or a spell absorbtion.
Flesh Atronach

Lp: 25-130
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
Poison based spells heal this guy
Some claim that this and all other antronachs is protected by a aura
,this is bullshit. I´ve fought Antronachs for over 10 years now and I´ve never experienced
this so-called "Aura". Surge in with the longsword and cut a "z" in his stomach, he don´t care.
A fairly easy opponent. The only thing to remember is: avoid poison based
spells and every thing is going to be alright .
Frost Daedra

Lp: 25-130
Ac: -5
Dmg: 50-100
This frozed guy casts cold based spells
Can be hit with mithril and better
A quick attack and slash a few times and the Frost Daedra is a water pool on the floor.
It´s a tough opponent but still it´s a slay that won´t take long if you manage to stay out
of his spells way.

Lp: 19-82
Ac: 0
Dmg: 10-15
Can be hit with mithril and better
The only thing difficulty you´ll encounter in this opponent is to hit him and find a weapon
to hit him with.

Lp: 17-66
Ac: 0
Dmg: 10-35
This creature of a quite airy nature will cast wizard rend
Can be hit with silver and better
The followers of King Lysandrus. Ghosts are easy in a distance and not
a creature to fear, though his only spell might irretate mages.

Lp: 18-74
Ac: 3
Dmg: 10-30
Close in, write your initials and withdraw. The giant is that simple to
Giant Bat

Lp: 12-26
Ac: 6
Dmg: 2-12
5% Chance per Hit of catching a disease
Ho ho, if you seek help to defeat this creature you are on the wrong site ( for futher inf. contact webmaster or visit the cheats section ).
Giant Rat

Lp: 9-16
Ac: 6
Dmg: 1-4
5% Chance per hit of catching a disease
For futher notice se Giant Bat above.
Giant Scorpion

Lp: 18-74
Ac: 0
Dmg: 15-25
This creature can paralyse you
I´d attack the Giant Scorpion in the distance unless I am immune to paralysis or a High Elf. The
giant scorpion can be taken down with a few good swings.
Grizzly Bear

Lp: 13-34
Ac: 6
Dmg paws: 1-8
Dmg jaws: 1-10
Storm in on this bear and whack it 1 maybe 2 times and it´s dead.

Lp: 16-58
Ac: 2
Dmg claws: 2-12
Dmg jaws: 5-15
The flying lady can be hit with dwarven or better
Stomp in on her and stab her, no harder, no tougher
Ice Atronach

Lp: 25-130
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
Cold based spells heal this frozen guy
Some claim that this and all other antronachs is protected by a aura
,this is bullshit. I´ve fought Antronachs for over 10 years now and I´ve never experienced
this so-called "Aura". Surge in with the longsword and cut a "z" in his stomach, he don´t care.
A fairly easy opponent. The only thing to remember is: avoid using Cold based
spells and every thing is going to be alright, a good thing is to have a fire
based spell ready.
Iron Atronach

Lp: 25-130
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
Electricity based spells heal this antronach
Some claim that this and all other antronachs is protected by a aura
,this is bullshit. I´ve fought Antronachs for over 10 years now and I´ve never experienced
this so-called "Aura". Surge in with the longsword and cut a "z" in his stomach, he don´t care.
A fairly easy opponent. The only thing to remember is: avoid using Electricity based
spells and every thing is going to be alright, a good thing is to have a Poison based spell ready

Lp: 11-18
Ac: 3
Dmg: 2-15
Casts some spells ( I´ve only noticed a shock, I can´t identify the others )
Can be hit with steel or better
Newbies and lowlevels should watch out for this green guy. He´ll kick your butt with his spells.
Close in quickly and kill him before he mumbles a word.

Lp: 16-58
Ac: 6
Dmg: 5-15
When this mermaid hits you she drains your fatigue
The Lamia exits underwater, I prefer spells and arrows to kill her with because
else you can end up dead
because of her ability to drain your fatigue.

Lp: 30-170
Ac: -10
Dmg: 70-100
Casts spells
Can be hit with mithril or better
The lich is a lesser version of the Ancient lich. The lich is dangerous and best dealt with by killing him using
spell reflection that´ll rend his spells useless, and
then you can close in for the kill.

Lp: 17-66
Ac: 2
Dmg: 5-15
5% Chance per hit of getting a disease
Can be hit with silver or better
Attack relentlesly with arrows and spells and he´ll be dust in 3 seconds time.

Lp: 15-50
Ac: 0
Dmg: 1-5
This lady who has obviosly lost her clothes casts energy leech
Can be hit with silver or better
Nude ladies always tend to be aggresive. The nymph will drain your fatigue
but she´ll hit the ground quickly if you close in to melee.

Lp: 13-34
Ac: 7
Dmg: 1-6
or by
The orc is an easy kill. Just draw your best melee weapon and slash away.
Orc Sergeant

Lp: 15-50
Ac: 5
Dmg: 5-15
or by
Same tactic as above
Orc Shaman

Lp: 18-74
Ac: 7
Dmg: 2-20
or by
Casts spells ( invisibility, shock and shield among others
The orc shaman normally disappear shortly after his initial attack. Just hack in the generel
direction he was standing in until you draw blod and he´s dead.
Orc Warlord

Lp: 20-90
Ac: 0
Dmg: 5-50
or by
The orc warlord is a leader among the orcs. I prefer ranged attacks because else he´ll chop you to
little pieces.
Sabretooth Tiger

Lp: 13-34
Ac: 6
Dmg paws: 1-10
Dmg jaws:3-15
Move in and attack in melee.
Skeleton Warrior

Lp: 17-66
Ac: 2
Dmg: 5-15
Edged weapons only do half damage to this bony chap.
Close in with a mace ( or another blunt weapon ) and hit him, then withdraw to safe distances. Continue
this until he´s dead.

Lp: 15-50
Ac: 6
Dmg: 2-12
This underwater fish should be killed in melee.

Lp: 13-34
Ac: 5
Dmg: 5-15
This enlarged Tarantel can paralyse
The giant spider is an easy enemy for the higher levels although one should be aware of
the spider capability to paralyse.

Lp: 12-26
Ac: -4
Dmg: 1-8
Legend has it that the Spriggan must be killed 3 times before it´s dead. This is not
true. It´s hard to hit but it goes down easily.

Lp: 28-154
Ac: -2
Dmg: 20-50
This purple horror casts sleep
2% Chance per hit of catching a disease
0.6% Chance per hit of becoming a vampire
Can be hit with silver or better
The vampire is a feared opponent althrough Tamriel. Attack it in melee and get it
over with, is the easiest way to kill a vampire.

Lp: 17-66
Ac: 3
Dmg: 2-12
Dmg claws: 2-12
Dmg jaws: 5-15
0.6% Chance per hit of contracting Lycanthropy
Can be hit with silver or better
The wereboar is the toughest werebeast around the Illiac bay. There is different kinds of werebeasts
around Tamriel. Black Marsh has the Were-crocodile and so on. Move in for the kill and get ´im done in
quickly unless you want to become one yourself.

Lp: 14-46
Ac: 5
Dmg claws: 1-10
Dmg jaws: 2-12
0.6% Chance per hit of contracting Lycanthropy
Can be hit with silver or better
The werewolf should be dealt with exactly like it´s stronger twin ( see above ).

Lp: 30-90
Ac: 0
Dmg: 20-45
Casts spells
Can be hit with silver or better
The Wraith is a fearsome opponent in melee. Using spells and arrows would be a wise

Lp: 52-66
Ac: 0
Dmg: 15-50
2% Chance per hit of catching a disease
The Zombie is a strong opponent in the lower levels. I´d recommend using spells and arrows
against him until you´re over 7 level.
" Life and death is one great circle. You´ll soon discover
that it´s easier to create destruction than it´s to create life "
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