The Elder Scrolls chapters are discussed in this chapter

What is Daggerfall ?????
Daggerfall is the sequel to the award winning RPG game of the year in 95, Arena.
Arena was a good game that featured enormous freedom in many aspects. I myself
started out with Arena and though I never completed it, I still thought it was a
good game. Daggerfall is much much larger than Arena and it has more depht in both
gameplay and action. Daggerfall´s world is twice the size of Great Britain and
though you´ve played it for a year or two ( like I have ), you can still find things
that amaze you in this complex world.
Daggerfall is in many ways not a full game, like you´ve sometimes been led to believe
by reading early FAQs and such. The conversation system isn´t as good as they claim
and so on. But still it´s a good game and when it all comes down to the core, the
game could NEVER feature all those things when Bethesda only made it in one year.
This game is also the game that cracks MOST of all games I´ve ever played.
Although the patches fix most of these problems, the game still cracks a lot of times
especially on small computers that use W95. I always play Daggerfall over DOS although
DOS do not generate as much memory as W95 it runs more safely in DOS than W95 unless
you ( like I ) have a computer with 32 ram and a Pentium 166 or higher.
" When knowledge you seek you´ll discover that it is easily found
where you did not expect it to be "
If there´s not a menu bar on the left side of the screen press