Character Generation
Tips to make a strong Character:

High Elf trick
If you choose Sumerset Isle to be your province you can
select the Critical Weakness - Paralysis because
youīre already immune.
Weapon advice
There are only two weapons-types worth using in the game.
Longblade & Archery, longblades are the most damaging
melee weapon while itīs not a heavy weapon.
Archery is the only non-magical mean of hitting a
opponent in the distance. Archery is also quite damaging
although the bows are easily destroyed.
Critical weakness advice
You should choose critical weakness to disease, poison
and shock. These elements are not very dangerous if youīre
careful and itīll buy you a lot of "points" in the generation
If you want to complete the game you can almost forget
about it if youīre NOT a mage. Magery is important
especially in the dungeons and in Oblivion so make a
character who can cast magic.
Imm. to Paralysis
It is very important to be imm. to paralysis. A lot
of monsters use this form of attack and I never make
a character who isnīt imm. to paralysis ( except to
challange myself, that is ).
Survival in Daggerfall depends upon your Lp. Therefore
you should always make a character have +20 lp.
You should place skills which you can train without
any enemy, wall ect. ( fx jumping ) in the Primary or Major
because itīs an easy boost through the levels.
" When you seek improvement
through regeneration you must also be prepared to
be reborn to something very different from what you
were before".
If thereīs not a menu bar on the left side of the screen press